为上大学做准备 - 新濠天地app大学-新濠天地app


大学招生 大学做准备

You’ve made the step to go to college, plan on attending in the fall and now you’re wondering what comes next. 好吧, 我无法给你提供一些疯狂而深刻的至理名言,来推动你在大学里取得不可避免的成功, but I can give you some useful preparatory advice. 在开始上大学之前,一个人很容易陷入夏天最后几个月的狂欢中. You just graduated from high school, you should. 尽管如此, 总有那么一刻,现实给了你一记残酷的耳光,大学的开始不知从何而来. 我在这里为你提供一份秋季入学前要做的事情清单,在这种情况发生之前轻轻地把你唤醒.

  1. 稳定你的财务状况

此时此刻, 你可能整个夏天都在努力工作,以赚取额外的钱. 这是个好主意,因为不管你信不信,做一名全日制学生也可以是一份全职工作. Storing up a few bucks would be good idea at this point. 但是在你加满油之后, 知道把剩下的钱存到哪里可能会让人困惑(关于汽油价格的悲伤笑话)。. 确保你把所有的现金都存在你自己的支票账户里是很重要的. 在建立了这个之后, 如果你在未来的交易中手头没有现金,你可以使用借记卡来帮助你. Whether finding a job on or off campus, 在你的名下有一个固定的银行账户对于直接存款交易也很重要. Save yourself some time and get this done beforehand.

Side note, creating a saving’s account wouldn’t be a bad idea either. 仅仅因为你在上大学并不意味着你不可能存下一部分薪水. Create a savings account, deposit what you can into it, and let it grow.

  1. 参加暑期迎新活动

If you have questions regarding the start of classes, 新濠天地app为新生提供了在秋季学期之前参加一些活动的机会. Summer orientation is a useful tool to have for both students and parents. 向大学生活的过渡伴随着许多未知的事情,包括搬进来的细节, 金融援助, 课程表, 等. Summer orientation is an optional event, however the information you will gather while there will be very useful. If you want my advice, you should strongly consider attending.

  1. Plan Schedule, Buying Books, Contact Room Mate

Whether you like it or not, the time has come for you to be an adult. You must now schedule your own classes, 自己购买学习材料, 并开始与你将在可预见的未来生活在一起的人建立联系. 在游戏的这一点上, you should already have signed up for classes, but we often forget to write the details down. 提前安排好每天的课程表,并写下相关的课程编号和上课地点,这是很有帮助的. 也, while buying your books and school materials seems like an obvious thing to do, 信不信由你, I have run into countless people who forget to get this done. 不可避免地, these same people then start running across campus, scrambling to get the necessary books and supplies during the first weeks of school. It’s like waking up early in the morning without finding time to make coffee. 你能活下来吗?? 是的,但几乎没有. Just make sure you have what you need. Don’t cause yourself extra stress by being unprepared.

  1. 带上文件

Shopping with my mom as a kid was either a blast or a complete nightmare. 我确实参加了这个场合,以便方便地提出我对新濠天地app应该买什么的意见, hoping my mom will fall pray to my very bias suggestions. At the end of the ordeal, the checkout line is where we would end up. 通常情况下,我妈妈会忘记一些事情,然后说:“在这里等一下,我马上回来。.“当收银员在我面前给所有的顾客打电话时,我的焦虑达到了顶峰. 尽管我向商店后面看了很多次,我妈妈还是看不见了. I would watch as our full cart of groceries quickly disappeared. 每发出一声哔哔声,物品就会减少. 收银员在结账时,总是可怜地同情地看我一眼. With my mom still absent, I knew very well that I didn’t have that kind of cash. 我该怎么办?? 我能拖住收银员吗? 哭会不会让我的共同客户做出一些疯狂的善举来给我钱? 不,我知道我该怎么做. In that moment, I would do the most logical thing… awkwardly stand there and smile.

Funny story but is it applicable to this checklist item? 我想是的. 关键是, at college you are going to run into many different situations, 可能的医生预约, 工作面试, 等., and they are going to ask you for specific documents to present in person. 你不必站在那里等着你妈妈从家里回来给你寄邮件. Waiting for those specific documents for whatever reason is awkward and unnecessary. 现在离开家, 对那些机密记录负责并随身携带是个好主意. I am not pulling this point out of thin air. 很多次, 我在校园里遇到过一些朋友,他们忘记了诸如社会保障卡之类的东西, birth certificate and insurance cards. It caused some serious inconveniences. Don’t wait on your parents to send these, take it on yourself and safely tuck those in your suitcase for college.

  1. 说“再见”

You’re not leaving forever, but you are leaving for college. 走在高中毕业典礼上是令人兴奋的,有时也是一件悲伤的事情,因为你的生活即将结束. 然而,最忧郁的时刻将是当你走出大门去上大学的时候. With the summer before you, don’t waste time. Hang out with friends as much as you can, 就留下美好的记忆, enjoy the season of graduation while looking on toward the start of something new. Moving on is a beautiful thing, but don’t move on just yet. Be sure to cherish the remaining time at home, 确保到了八月,悲伤的“再见”被充满希望的“再见”所取代.”

在准备上大学的时候, 真的永远不会有一个完美的公式化的解决方案,可以告诉你如何为开学做最好的准备. 不可避免地, you will have to be flexible and up for sudden changes. 尽管如此, 根据我的经验, 把以上的事情都做好了,真的帮助我更顺利地过渡到学校的各个学期. Take the tips or leave them, but summer will come to an end faster than you realize. So, I suggest you grab them now and get a move on.



图片由 Krišjānis哈萨克族 on Unsplash

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